I was in Kauai a couple years ago and was really turned off by all the plastic and other clutter people are carelessly scattering around the island. Such a beautiful paradise but occupied by too many thoughtless people/tourists. Most every shady site along the beach had to be cleaned up so we could enjoy it, and going barefoot was downright dangerous with so many foreign hidden things buried in the sand. If people treat where they live like they do when they are on vacation I can see why this world is heading into the crapper.
I’ve always considered myself an environmentalist and believed I was doing my part, but back when my daughter was 6 years old I threw a small 2 inch square of cellophane from a small wrapped mint out the window of our car and was told by my daughter that I was a litter bug. HUH?? A 2 inch piece of cellophane?? But she was right and I was wrong. That was the LAST time I let anything in the way of litter leave my person except in the trash or recycle. From the mouths of babes but a good lesson for dad!! Imagine 8 Billion people doing that same thing or worse every day……but of course it requires no imagination as that video showed an insurmountable deluge of debris around the earth polluting the environment through their carelessness or unconcern.