Rambus I don’t see his charts much but I can imagine the pressure of having so many following you can affect your own trading after awhile. If you go by the charts some signals can reverse or fail and have to get in or out fast if position trading then have to stop tell others less you give targets or stops ahead of time or support and resistance targets. Sometimes followers can mess up charts. Say you day get in at this point and followers decide to do it early and same for stops of enough of them are flowing. I experienced that myself not just watching the charts but the sec filings and found out a day trade had a reverse split coming up while at the same time giving main street good news to pile as many suckers in as they could a shell company using the money to buy real wastage in Nevada which is sheltered from confiscation if they delisted. That stock fell like a brink minutes after I told them. I wasn’t getting paid but didn’t sell first before telling them and had to move fast to get out by putting my ask lower than bid to catch the fall. Thought sheesh. I could of stayed quiet just watching it go up and sell for a day trade but at least should of sold first. It can get crazy.
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