I see a major Bull in Gold and I base that on Futures markets that cannot make delivery in SIZE AND..
the fact that operating mines have substantially lower ENERGY costs which are a major factor in lowering cost of mining.Some have cut costs by 50 %…Labor costs are not a real problem with unemployment so high.
I have many stocks that broke out today to highs not seen in months .Its an early sign ..but its there .
Im talking about operating mines,not exploration only mines.Profitability is coming on strong and with any price improvement could get very eciting .!The paper short markets are being overwhelmed by physical markets and all thats needed is for China to announce hugh increases in Gold inventory that will spark a RACE to catch up .They are very quiet while thay accumalate so as not to spoil their advandage in having cash to buy while Western banks are telling investers to stay away because they want the public to stay in Dollar assets while the Dollar declines ….Stupid is as Stupid does DUH…Stupid Americans !
are so consumed with Social nonsence they are completely ignorant of finance and what their future holds for them if they dont change radically their Political views they will be become destitute as Politicians continue to sell them out of their future.
Contrarian that I am…
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