After paying in for 60 years I ,YOU WE have no choice but to demand they pay to those that paid in and demand they fullfill the contract weather it was implied or written it dosent matter. Every effort by politicians to turn it into a welfare scheme that they can bye votes with needs to be met with a large outcry and rage .
Its the only government program not paid for out of “General Funds”and was a specific “payroll tax”that working people earned .If you didnt pay in …you dont get it period….You must work to get it period.All suggestions that others can get in needs to be met by stiff resistance .No dire need ,no destitute exceptions,no “moral” exceptions.Its a private funded, private annuity type program administered by government that is the only reason it works,there are no moral reasons to give away its assets to the “needy”its not moral to steal ….Its the biggest thorn in the side of the Liberals because it worked without “need “being the criteria for getting a check.
It should NOT be called a “BENEFIT”.Its a Contract…None of it was voluntary.!We also should demand that no person should receive any of its funds that didn’t pay into it as a retirement program.
There are hundreds of other welfare programs funded by taxes that are designed to to be welfare and I have no argument with them.The real problem is they are always broke and SS is not ..thats why the ROBBERS want to ROB its funds ..they are decendents of “willie Sutton” the Bank Robber.DOes anyone condone Bank Robbery of citizens Savings ? If you do then you deserve to be shot for theft of private Savings like the thief you are .
If permitted nothing but chaos and anarchy will result and I am prepared for that ! Are you!
SS needs to be “off limits” to politicians ,thats why its called the Third rail of POLITICS .Violate the contract and you the politician needs to get thrown out on her ASS.or worse !
eeos @ 15:18 SS
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