If Plants Won’t Grow Near WiFi Routers, What are WiFi Routers Doing to Us?
An alarming science experiment recently generated a great deal of international media attention, and has raised a number of questions and concerns. In this experiment, the researchers found that seeds planted near WiFi routers would not grow. All the attention and interest surrounding this experiment may lead one to believe it was a major study by a renowned organization, but surprisingly, the researchers in this experiment were a group of Danish ninth-grade students and their teacher.
The Experiment
The concept for the experiment originated after five girls from Hjallerup Skole, a school in Denmark, noticed that they had trouble focusing on days after they slept with their cell phones near their heads overnight. In an effort to evaluate this phenomenon, they tested the effects that two WiFi routers had on plant seeds. The routers were chosen with the intention to roughly mimic the levels and types of radiation given off by the girls’ cell phones. To test this effect against a control group, six trays of seeds were placed next to the two routers, and another six trays were placed in a room without any routers. At the end of their twelve day experiment, the seeds in the room without routers had grown into healthy plants, but the seeds near the routers had not grown at all, and several seeds appeared brown and withered.