I think they do it to become famous and well known. And or make a message like the Uni-Bomber. So the PTB Media should set examples to discourage others. People living with nut-jobs, KNOW they are nuts, and should be partly responsible.
Maybe the parents should be required to “Register” the sickos like a firearm. Often the kids are on illegal and or prescription drugs that cause these things. Abnormal behavior. Anybody notice Obama mentioned guns as the problem? Then called it a hate crime.
Why didn’t they call it “Gun Violence” instead of hate crime? Jerks jerks and more diabolical jerks in high places.
PS, over the decades, the various brainwashing and manipulation, and politically correct baloney has created millions of mad angry people, and neurotics. A bunch of control freaks. No more live and let live.
Some of these nut jobs don’t like you if you drive a gas guzzling SUV. Some don’t like gun owners because THEY don’t own any. Don’t like hunters because they don’t hunt. I heard some of these idiots don’t want you burning wood in a fireplace.