It was pleasant to see vibrant messages at the tent today.
Winedoc, my sincere congratulations in reference to your Son’s milestone high school graduation. Will he continue his education on the “east coast”? The venue and depth of maritime universities are excellent.
In reference to the debate about rate hikes? I suggest this will be non event for 2015. (Frosty’s wager ) Frankly, 2016 will surprise me. The sheep are feed ….the constant awaiting the fed , awaiting the euro demise, there is no inflation, peace in our time, we are the good guys, ….awaiting of Godot, smile. My point, the whole system is a confidence game of imaginary balances and checks when in reality there are none in Tier one. The sheep are feed and sheared as always . ( terrible words but descriptive).
Gold I believe has bottomed. I am surprised it has not started it slow march up and the dollar its slip-slide down. I have been surprised for months , grin. We all know it is a masterfully manipulated illusion. Mr. Griffin, an exceptional brilliant man, shared this in his master piece ..The Creature of Jekyll island…years ago. (Great video, last night thank-you for sharing.)
All the above is my personal opinion. In North American the word gold is as relevant as soccer, not so much, smile. Platinum is in the basement also. Frankly I like this more, now. The junior mid tier mining stocks…There are a few real gems out there if they survive the coming months. Can we have a black swan event yes….than all is possible……we are doomed lol…
Enough….the above is my view…
Greece …will remain in the euro.The rest is smoke and news feed
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