puppies in the forecast: spot is rooting around in a pile of old worn out tee shirts i put in a “whelping box” i built for her. the web articles i have read tell of rooting around (digging a nest hole) as typical behavior in dogs. it is often a precursor to labor and delivery. if so, it’s right on time. dog gestation averages 63 days. june tenth was the date of mating. 63 days after that is tomorrow!
later on today? tonight? predawn tomorrow? other? waiting will tell us.
happiness is a box of puppies
ms SPOT pucci, a SILVER dapple dachshund is proud to announce the arrival of five (so far) puppies. three dapples, one chocolate, and one black and tan.
edit, better pic
the morning after:
no late night surprises, the puppy count is still five
the squirmy family, black and tan female, chocolate male, light dapple female, dark dapple male, intermediate dapple female.
all are smooth coat shorthair. the little ones spend most of their time at momma’s dairy bar, and the rest napping. all seem healthy and happy, except momma spot who was not at all happy about the safety of this photo shoot. morgan dollar (circ) for scale.
mamma doesn’t approve of photo shoots.