I’m no expert on Nuclear explosions, however, in my early adult life I was a powdermans helper in the woods for Diamond National Corp in Northern California. I know that explosions go toward the least resistance. I know if you want an expl0sion to go down you have to put a “plaster” of the appropriate size and weight to force it to go down. Otherwise it will just go up. So while I cannot say it WAS an nuclear explosion, I can say that he is probably correct that it was detonated several (many?) feet below ground to create that lake. It did not happen on the surface.
As for Hillary, I put nothing past that lying bitch!! Also, she reportedly has a China connection when shortly after Obama took office she was sent to China to give them Eminent Domain over the US in the event the US defaults on it’s debt to China.
All FWIW and IMO!! Silverngold