It was Boehner that arraigned for the POPES visit …he served his purpose ,now he’s leaving ..the liberal communists dont need him anymore .They used him ,they exploited his weakness against the Constitution and now they throw him on the trash heap of history . This Pope is a communist as I said before as distinct from the Polish Pope that the communists imprisoned for 28 years ..the same Pope that joined Ronald Reagan ,Margaret Thatcher to destroy Communism in Russia bankrupting it.
The anti communist Pope that told communist priests to decide if they wanted to serve the church or the Leftest in Nicaragua ..He told them”you cant serve TWO MASTERS “..decide ! He told the same to Father DRINAN from Massachusetts the Leftist priest. That was part of the success of the Reagan revolution ..the Church also recognized their problem. Yes the Church has its politics also..I want my Country back and my Church. ! until then I boycott both…
Fr. Drinan, who supported abortion, was warned by Our Lady of the Roses that he faced damnation:
Father Drinan, lawmaker who defied Rome, celebrated Pelosi showcase Mass, dead at 86…
“You will contact Our representative who has given himself to the world and tell him that he also is facing damnation. This, I say unto you for you are being warned! Remove yourself from that profession, Father. Father Drinan, come out of the darkness.” – Our Lady of the Roses, September 6, 1975
LifeSiteNews reported on January 29, 2007:
Father Robert Drinan, a Jesuit priest and lawyer who defied directives from Rome to serve for a decade in the US Congress, died on Sunday, January 28, at the age of 86.
The combative Jesuit had been a lightning-rod for controversy throughout his political career. He came to Washington as an outspoken opponent of the war in Vietnam; later he became one of the most reliable votes in Congress in favor of unrestricted legal abortion.
His advocacy of legal abortion continued long after his tenure in Congress. In 1996 the priest-politician shocked many Catholics by praising President Bill Clinton for his veto of legislation banning partial-birth abortion.
A partisan Democratic legislator, Father Drinan filed the bill to impeach President Richard Nixon in 1973. Years later he would argue strenuously against the impeachment of President Clinton. After leaving Congress he became the president of the liberal political bloc, Americans for Democratic Action.
Father Drinan, who served as a Congressman from Massachusetts from 1971 to 1980, died of congestive heart failure at Sibley Hospital in Washington. He had lived in Washington, teaching at Georgetown and continuing his active involvement in liberal political causes, after relinquishing his seat in Congress.
In 1970 Father Drinan made his first run for Congress despite the explicit disapproval of Father Pedro Arrupe, then the head of the Jesuit order. With the help of local Jesuit leadership in Massachusetts he was able to forestall public reprimands from his superiors in Rome, or from the bishops in the Massachusetts dioceses covered by his Congressional district, until finally bowing to a papal directive in 1978 that barred priests from serving in elected public posts.
One of Father Drinan’s last acts was as celebrant for pro-abortion, pro-gay marriage, Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi’s showcase Catholic Mass at Washington’s Catholic Trinity University on January 3rd.
In response to that incident Fr. Richard Neuhaus wrote in First Things on Jan. 19 “The celebrant of the Mass was Father Robert Drinan, a Jesuit who, more than any other single figure, has been influential in tutoring Catholic politicians on the acceptability of rejecting the Church’s teaching on the defense of innocent human life. Asked by a reporter, Archbishop Wuerl responded that Fr. Drinan has ‘faculties’ in Washington, meaning he is authorized to celebrate the sacraments. That was it.”
Fr. Robert Drinan: “abortion is a small issue”…
The Boston Archdiocesan newspaper, The Boston Pilot, reported on November 26, 2004:
Asked to compare his experience in politics with the experience of the presidential campaign of Sen. John F. Kerry, a Catholic who was challenged by some bishops for his support of abortion rights, Father Drinan said there was little comparison.
It was a very bad idea for the four bishops to say they would refuse to offer Kerry Holy Communion, he said. “Abortion is a small issue.”
Father Drinan said he never had trouble with bishops. “I received permission to run for Congress from Cardinal Cushing. The old canon law said you had to get the approval of the local bishop.
“Then the Polish pope came in and changed the canon law. He didn’t want any priests involved in governments, so I resigned,” he said.