the Socialism has made them weak especially the women ..they cant let go of the easy life..the migrants will overwhelm them ..if the former Vikings dont find some Men to lead them ..the Cannibal migrants will eat their food and then them …. If this sounds harsh your ignoring reality ..Maybe they will be saved by the Swedish Winter ..Migrants will not survive in tents they will freeze to death.They come from a warm climate ..they wont survive .Sweedes had better arm themselves and shoot to kill when the Migrants want into their houses ….The Sweedes are accustomed to Cold thats all they retain from their former lives as Vikings.
Either they get re hardened to life in Cold climate or they will be done for .Just wait until the Migrants get desperate at half frozen they will have to decide ..its us or them….Dont listen to your politicians dont trust them ,save yourselves from their mistakes..they will ruin you ….No time to be soft….
The Men had better take charge..
Same for Norway ..Denmark……You had better find your roots again Your politicians will ruin you ! The WINTER will force the issue for you ….
Just like the Russian Winter saved Russia from Germany invaders in WW2 …no difference ..