TEO (The Evil One ) So Farmfrog, I see you took Buygold’s advice and brought me a cup of coffee to make amends. Very Good.
FarmFrog : Yes Ma’am,
TEO: How nice. Would you like me to turn you into a Prince again?
Farmfrog: Yes Ma’am.
TEO: Well, you have been on your best behavior of late. I just happen to have a most Kingly Crown. Do you approve?
Farmfrog: Yes, Ma’am. Its very nice indeed.
TEO: Placing the Crown upon my head. “Now close your eyes and I will give you a kiss turning you back into a Prince. Are your eyes closed shut tight?
Farmfrog: Yes Ma’am.
TEO: Very good Farmfrog ! Now keep them closed while I place this Medallion around your neck and then give you a kiss. Now there, you are now Prince Frog ! (evil laughter)
First one of you yahoo’s that laughs I am peeing on you and giving you warts ! Buygold, it’s all your fault !
Drat’s !!