That’s right, and its all blowing up in their obnoxious faces. Millions of people are not paying their monthly mortgage payments since 2008. The banksters since 1913 have been operating exactly like one big global socialist/communist gov’t.
They rejigger currency exchange rates that move or redistribute USA wealth and industry away from us and onto the have not countries and socialist countries like in Europe. After 1913, they arranged it so the USA could finance (borrow their artificial play money) to pay interest to them and the USA pays to fight foreign wars.
WW II, Korea, Vietnam, moon landings, space shuttle rides, and on and on. The big mistake they made after 1979 was NOT reporting the accurate cost of living increases needed to raise wages in unison along with costs. The masses taxpayer wages have not kept up with cost of living increases, and tax ABSORBER wages, which SURPASSED cost of living increases.
This is real simple crap, and I’m not surprised Trump isn’t bringing this dynamic up, leading me to believe he’s working with the establishment. Giving people home loans without down payments was corporate welfare for bankers to maintain liquidity for bankers whose balls are on the line.
Get some popcorn, get into the recliner, and enjoy the show.