They asked Trump “did you know David DUKE endorsed you “? His quick answer was I disavow it…..He was on to them ….
Next day… you didnt disavow him today does that mean you welcome him ! Here it comes…… the Republicans have decided that if they cant beat Trump that its in their interest to see Hillary win ! THat way then its back to Club members only .establish members only !
Thats why Romney brought up this TAX return business …What the hell does Romney care whats in Trumps TAX return ?He’s a Republican too aint he ? Apparently Romney dosent think of Trump as a Republican ..and that LIBERAL BOSTON GANG has decided to do a Number on Trump because they think they are losing control of the Republican Party. Sombody got to DAVID DUKE and must have offered him a LOT OF MONEY to PUBLICLY endorse Trump… YEAH its a FALSE FLAG operation !