On my 2012 tax reporting statement from Fidelity, there was a small Cash Liquidation Distribution (Line 8, 1099-DIV), but no mention of long-term realized loss on 1099-B. The shares– quantity and cost basis showing, but “unavailable” price or market value– are still showing up on monthly statements. I didn’t take the loss in 2012, 2013, or 2014 taxes. I need to do amended returns for all those years if I am going to claim the loss/deduction. Does anyone know what’s up with Sterling, and other stocks that get de-listed, or show up on your statements with (–) Price Per Unit, and unknown valuations? When do you know that the stock is genuinely finished and need to declare loss?
For information sake, I might add that Oil Sands Quest is a stock that went back and forth from being listed with valuations, and being listed in the Unpriced Securities section, for some months before it showed permanent failure. Some miners seem to go to zero, or near-zero valuations, but are not, apparently, permanently “out-of-business”, and ready for a write-off. If one would rather hold onto the shares in the hope that they will come back (especially because they are so nearly worthless as to make it pointless to sell), what are the signs, or declarations, that the company is truly finished and the stock no longer valid?
I have to leave for awhile; I’ll check back with this later. TIA.