Not to overstate the obvious, but I feel that most, if not all, of us on the tent know that the fundamentals for owning physical gold and silver, and sound well-run miners at these levels, is a no brainer. But the more I read of Martin Armstrong’s computer based capital flow cyclical models, the more I tend to understand what he’s saying. As the media and politicians tend to reveal and expose the true deplorable economic conditions in Europe ( really everywhere, but their deplorable conditions are being exposed first), money and capital will flow to the U.S., and has been for some time now. This is definitely giving a boost to the U.S. Dollar and will continue to do so, at least as this strategy is being pursued. It proves to be another headwind for the metals here, only until the U.S’s true conditions are understood and exposed for all to see. I know that my patience has been wearing thin the last 5 years, but at least I feel that I second guess myself less, and feel more comfortable averaging down ( albeit in very small increments) at these levels.
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