Scruffy… you will probably get a lot of advice… sorry if you are fed up with those… but here is my take and action regarding my problem.
A year ago, I was diagnosed with prostate cancer (fairly severe).
Was offered chemo, but refused (do not say you should refuse). After reading a lot of alternative medical treatment papers (have been in the pharma industry… Upjohn Company, now gone).
I decided to try Extra-large doses of turmeric combined with black pepper (1½ tablespoon tumeric and ½ teaspoon of crushed black pepper— in some yoghurt and sugar/honey, just for the taste ). Plus extra ordinary large doses of D-3 vitamin (standard amount in Sweden is 800 units) — I took 16.000 units a day.
The turmeric, I took during half a year (if you have problems with the gall bladder (that is if there are stones), you have to keep an eye on that).
The D-3 I took over a period of almost a year. Now I´m down to a daily dose of 8.000 units and a small amount of tumeric (800 mg/ a day in capsules).
Cancer gone and normal PSA readings.
Just a hint and all the best from Sweden
If anybody care to give any comment/ or warning on this, for the benefit of Scruffy. Please comment!