A “false flag” does not imply there were no deaths or if the count is accurate either. If this was a job done by someone like Blackwater, then the ammo would have a tell tale signature and the weapons were fully automatic. The question is who is performing the autopsies( if there are any)? Videos show some questionable scenarios like two guys carrying out a fellow with red boots and then when they thought they were out of camera range, one did a little “jig” like it was funny after they put the “injured fellow” down. Its more about the coverups than the actual results. Boston Marathon( fake amputee with supposed legs blow off who would have bled out in 2 minutes since he had no tourniquets) and Sandy Hook were great examples of questionable activity. In Sandy hook, there was absolutely no ambulances and they couldn’t get thru because roads were blocked by cop cars. So many questions and cover ups.
Now the why is very simple. Gun control.