re part:
“The War on the American People, what we have is a political distraction that keeps us oblivious to the steady advance of the police state, deaf to the cries of its victims, blind to the damage its wreaking on our communities and silent in the face of tyranny.”
Cries of its victims? Manufacturers and related businesses were the FIRST ones crying, or warning everyone after 1975. And nobody listened, as they gleefully bought a new “Toyota Camry”.
Most of the American people were not involved in manufacturing and stupidly did not care about or even WANT those “dirty smelly rust bucket menial jobs” as per 1980 media.
The stupid dumbed down American people were also “advised” that “The United Auto workers were paid too much, and they were ruining the country” “Foreign competition was good and Americans would get a cheaper higher quality product”
Only the street wise patriotic Americans knew it was all bull sheet propaganda to fool Americans into sharing US jobs for growth in other nations.
Not doing as advised, or led, to buy foreign goods was the ONLY WAY for Americans to resist the future fleecing. Too late now. Just sit back and enjoy your high quality imports.