I promise you that you are not alone in expressing your frustrations at these markets. I mean, even the head of one of the largest investment firms says there is no real solid reason for the stock markets to be setting up camp amidst the lofty levels of the clouds. Its just not us ‘little folks’ that cant believe their lying eyes.
Now I am going to share something with you. Something that seems to help my overall disposition. It helps me live a life somewhat of joy and peace, even in today’s world. Ever heard of Jack Daniels? Just kidding, although I have tried that as an elixir to calm the nerves, I was one of those unfortunate ones that just never could get enough to do the job properly or to my satisfaction.
Instead of a glass or bottle, someone pointed me to this little helper, and it seems to be working for me. Course, I had reached a point in my life were it was mostly only filled with guilt, remorse, regret, and anger. Most of that anger was because things were not to my liking, or the way I thought things should be. Fact is, I discovered that most of the time I was upset was exactly for the reason that life was not going as I had wanted or planned.
So here is a stupid little prayer that I probably say a dozen times a day when I find myself getting bent out of shape over something. Can be as simple as someone taking ‘my parking space’ at the local grocery store. Everyone knows that is MY parking space. ( I’ve been told I need professional help.) But until I seek further advice and counsel, this usually works for me.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. ( That would be most things, places, people, etc)
And the courage to change the things that I can. ( That would mostly be me and my attitude )
And the wisdom to know the difference. ( OK, so two out of three aint so bad is it ? This wisdom thing seems to take great pleasure in avoiding my presence. )
Thanks for letting me ramble, I tend to do that more on days when so little makes any sense to me.
And since America seems to want to return to the 60’s with all this racial stuff, I guess I will join them in my own way with signing off by saying, “Keep On Truckin” Farmboy ( who will probably see if I can find me an old 8 track player or at least a CB radio if we are going back in time. )