Justice Ginsberg sez ” the Risk of having an abortion are less than having a natural born baby !”
and thats her thinking process when she decides abortion decisions ..somehow having a beautiful natural baby is Morally equivalent to having an abortion in her mind ,so thats the basis for her decision. and she a Supreme Court Justice . She’s a feminist judge so all her decisions are filtered through that lens and 2000 years of moral Jewish and Christian moral teachings mean nothing because her decision is based on a statistical anomaly that shows an equivalence of RISK …and thats how she makes decisions .How the Hell did she get that job ?
Hillary Clinton is going to institute a draft of women in the Military if she gets in because thats what Feminists want ..equal opportunity ..She said so ! Rapes will soar ,womens death rates will soar because they cant physically defend themselves as well as men can ,but no matter, the Equality of opportunity Lens filters that out of her decision making process .The Feminist view shall prevail over good judgement .Hillary is going to require equal pay for women even though facts show they require more time off because of family issues ,no matter .. and we wonder why corporations are fleeing from US with jobs .The feminist view is her criteria she chooses to make her decisions with .Everything gets filtered through the Feminist Lens and somehow Men dont fit in anywhere ..thats 50 % of the worlds population that dont matter when the Fem Lens filters them out.Whats lacking in the decision making process for both Justice Ginsberg and Hillary is good judgment. Their view of the World is narrow minded and colored by Feminist views.
I have a DOG that can do that GOOD ,we should elect him President ,at least we will know what to expect ..His Presidency and view of the World is very simple it revolves around three things in his decision making process.
It goes like this …and I quote him ” If I cant EAT it ,or Screw it ,then Piss on it ! ” and so when he’s elected President we can all expect to get Pissed on a LOT ,,at least we will know what to expect.,,He’s consistent !