it just doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that Hillary has nothing of substance in her record after 35 years of public service. It doesn’t matter if she is a liar and runs a shell game called The Clinton Foundation. It doesnt matter that she takes, accepts, nay, demands bribes from allies and enemies alike. None of it matters, for she is woman.
Just like none of Obama’s history, or lack of experience , or lack of birth records, or his background steeped deep in radical socialism mattered. He was a black man.
A reporter walked around the DNC last evening asking the very question, ” Are you voting for Hillary just because she is a woman ?” A number of them seemed upset by the question and the simplistic view it represented. The majority of those asked stated that they wanted to be a part of history. The only part of Hillary’s campaign that could be considered ‘historic’ is the fact she is a woman.
So it appears that half of Americans are more interested in being a ‘part of history’, than voting who they consider the best leader for our Country. Issues are great talking points for the democrats, but the sum of it is many are willing to vote for ‘the woman’ in the race. My question would be, how did that work for ya, those that voted for Obama because we just HAD to put a black man in the White House. We are brain dead because we learn nothing from our mistakes. But, it just doesn’t matter. Real History will record that we have become a nation of idiots, lead to our demise, by an idiot, male or female, it just doesn’t matter.
I think Bill Murray had it right in the movie Meatballs.