I don’t like to see this sort of news in a company report. At least it wasn’t a larger chunk. 103,000 ounces AU over 3 years when the co. is producing over 500,000 oz au a year. Still it’s a stupid move which will cost them money. IMO
“In March 2016, the Company entered into a series of Prepaid Sales transactions totalling $120 million with its revolving credit facility bank syndicate. The Prepaid Sales transactions, in the form of metal sales forward contracts, allow the Company to deliver predetermined volumes of gold on agreed future delivery dates in exchange for upfront cash pre-payment. The Prepaid Sales transactions have a term of 33 months, which commenced in March 2016, and settlement will be in the form of physical deliveries of approximately 103,300 ounces of unallocated gold from any of the Company’s mines in 24 equal monthly instalments during 2017 and 2018 (estimated to represent approximately 9% and 5%, respectively, of the forecast production in those years).