It got me thinking, and assume some of you have heard the same thing, but don’t have an answer or response ready, so below, so you guys are ready, is a note I e-mailed to a friend that said
“Trump Scares me”
You got me thinking when you said “Trump scares me”, it was not the first time I’ve heard people say that. I’ve heard it from others, around me and dealers at coin shows. Very thought provoking for me after talking to you? What is everybody afraid of???
Another Vietnam war? More 18% mortgage interest rates in 1981 that killed auto and home sales and businesses? Another 1987 stock market crash? Another March ’00 Dot Com bust, and the following recession in 2001?
Another 9/11/01 terrorist attack during that recession? Leading to a forced dropping interest rates fast, with no doc liar loans to create a real estate boom, to over ride the stock market losses, and over ride the terrorists getting satisfaction for collapsing the economy.
Another real estate bubble (’01 to ’07) and following great recession into March ’09? More Obama care? Trump is right. What the hell do we have to lose?
I gave up voting after they killed JFK. I did vote in 1992 for Ross Perot, because he was a patriotic, saw and was against out sourcing jobs, remember that “Sucking Sound” he described? The entire past was one big fiasco after another. The gov’t picked the winners and the losers.