if, as seems increasingly possible, hillary’s health forces her to drop out of the race, what options are open to the jackass party?
1) bernie sanders – second most delegates at the jackass convention.
a) not even a member of the party.
b) loathed by the party insiders.
c) too late to get on the ballot in many states (write – in?)
2) joe biden – obozo’s vice president.
a) he’s a clown with a habit of putting his foot in his mouth.
b) sure target of lawsuits by bernie if he tries it.
c) too late to get on the ballot (as above).
3) tim kaine
a) virtually unknown outside virginia.
b) sure target of lawsuits by bernie (as above).
c) to late to change the ballot (as above).
if you don’t think the GOP has platoons of lawyers in each and every state just waiting to throw legal rocks under the wheels of any attempt to change their ballots, you don’t know how partisan politics work.
it’s getting interesting, folks.