is a Gay run Bank Pandering to them and Lesbians while at the same time looting their accounts to give campaign money to Hillary …Thats what Hillary s talking about when she says “TOGETHER we are STRONG” ..Thats ok if they want to stand with her ,thats their choice.What is wrong is when she throws them under the BUS when she wants to loot their accounts to get Campaign money and gets Wells Fargo to do her dirty work .. Same with Unions and Black voters she keeps them dependent on democrats then the teachers Union DUMBS them down to keep them dependent. The Union then donates to her Campaign money that should have been used to “edgeumacate ” them ..She will turn on anybody that she can, even her former supporters ,Gay,Lesbian, the Poor,the Stupid. Maybe they deserve each other !
The Stupid Republicans cant win an election without the “Democrat Deplorables” …thats where TRUMP comes in !
He offers them a chance and a way out of their misery ,if they are willing to risk their dependance “benefits” replaced with JOBS .NO RISK,NO REWARD ! Like Trump sez “what ya got to lose ?The democrats made them more dependant on them and they are worse off even with a Black President ! Hillary offers no hope ,not even Obamas HOPIUM.!
When ya got nothin ta lose …Go for it ,ya might find Freedom from Democrat imposed Slavery …
As the FOUNDERS said anybody that chooses “Security over Freedom” deserves neither .!
For some reason the Founders are Always right ,it just takes the Poor ,the Stupid and the Gay longer to learn it..
Theres nothing New under the SUN except the History you dont know !