and Merkle are going to bring down all of Europe ….and maybe America too .Merkle has been sold a crazy idea that the Muslims will be accommodating if only we give them a chance !How GULLABLE is that !
Now Hitlary is going after the Same Gullable White women in America and these are not married and dont get to hear what their husbands would think .Women need to have consensus or they dont feel secure ..then they ask what are you going to do ? They dont seem to be able to synthesize on their own . A Black male friend once told me White women are so gullable black female would believe half the shit they believe. For that reason Hillary has a chance unless married women out number them or vote in greater numbers than singles or Lesbians . Isn’t it strange that this crap started with a Black President getting elected by White women and now they think they did something powerfull .They made the worst mistake electing a President because of the color of his skin and not because he was a Good American. Now they are trying to elect a woman President just because she ‘s a woman and not because she’d honest and capable . How stupid is that, or maybe I ll say HOW GULLABLE is that so they wont vote for her because they think I called them stupid and vote like a woman scorned .Stop voting with your emotions !
or you will end up living under SHARIA LAW ! Just look at what Merkle has done to Europe and you can see whats in store here ! I seem to hear more from Black women on the TV talking more sence than white women !