Southern Belle
Southern Belle
If anyone takes the RSV vaccine be aware their using mRNA in other things too so if you want to avoid mRNA look for what’s in it plus side effects. Google the vaccine insert because with vaccines they don’t give it to you. No informed consent and they seem to be targeting seniors for now but none are safe so weigh the risks.
mRNA vaccine for seniors that helps protect against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV):
US Bill Would Reverse ATACMS Order
A bill introduced into the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Clay Higgins (R-LA) would prohibit the U.S. from sending long-range ATACMS missiles to Ukraine to be fired into Russia.
I agree that guy has zero credibility. Not only that but Biden admin or his handlers just gave Ukraine another Billion of our dollars while people in SC and neighboring states are sleeping in tents and freezing. The money isn’t just going for the military industrial complex that can charge anything they want with no oversight but to pay their people pension plans, government employees and business. Not borrowing but giving it to them. Of course they’re not stupid, they’ll take as much money of our tax dollars here as these idiots will give them. The great wealth transfer. Has this neocon though about how we have been weakened ourselves and depleted our own military resources while China is building up theirs while wanting to jump in wars that isn’t his or ours.
Yeah I saw that last night. He went to Russia they’re pretty sure and sent his family there on Friday. It looked like everyone interviews was happy and relieved the tyrant they called him was gone. Both Russia and Iran were tied up in their own conflicts.
The questions now is where is the pipeline going to go ” Europe, Isreal, and now and all those different groups that live there going to unite and set common laws and rights or fight amongst each other. Will Iran be next?
Also the safety of the 900 American troops that were put over there to protect one of the groups. Now what interest in that group did this current administration have they would jeopardize even one yet 900 American soldiers and get them involved in affairs that are not ours???? They seem to do alright by themselves.
… and now Damascus has fallen! All of Assad’s soldiers just ran away!
Glad Trump is coming in and says not our mess. Russia is weakened as is Iran. Russia can’t give up that port, will be interesting to see how that plays out. Given how easily Assad left, I wonder if Putin already has an agreement in place.
I saw the former Captain of the USS Cole on FOX yesterday saying how weakened Russia is and how we should arm Ukraine to the teeth and let them use any and all of our weapons to up the attack.
Typical neocon fool with zero credibility who allowed his ship to be attacked while in port. Where do these idiots come from?
Thank God Trump is a peace lover.
It’s NOT a model railroad!
I haven’t been following it but based on memory it seems to me is follow the oil and those who want it.
In 2009, Qatar proposed to run a natural gas pipeline through Syria and Turkey to Europe. Instead, Assad forged a pact with Iraq and Iran to run a pipeline eastward, allowing those Shia-dominated countries access to the European natural gas market while denying access to Sunni Saudi Arabia and Qatar. The latter states, it appears, are now attempting to remove Assad so they can control Syria and run their own pipeline through Turkey.
The standard Shia-Sunni conflict is little different from many other socio-ethnic-economic-political-religious (SEEPR) conflicts that originate in competition for resources, but in Syria it has a lucrative twist. The pattern of SEEPR control in Syria is similar to that in many other Middle Eastern and sub-Saharan Africa countries (and is arguably common in every country, but more so in traditional societies): Who controls the government controls the state’s resources, and by extension, the wealth derived from them. In Syria, the Sunnis have tried to unseat the Alawites ever since France installed them during the French mandate that ended in 1943. But now the stakes are higher, thanks to natural gas.
Iran leaving Syria (NYT)
‘Iran began to evacuate its military commanders and personnel from Syria on Friday, according to regional officials and three Iranian officials, in a sign of Iran’s inability to help keep President Bashar al-Assad in power as he faces a resurgent rebel offensive’
“Syria is at the verge of collapse and we are watching calmly,” said Ahmad Naderi, an Iranian Parliament member, in a post on social media on Friday. He added that if Damascus fell, Iran would also lose its sway in Iraq and Lebanon, saying, “I don’t understand the reason for this inaction but whatever it is, it’s not good for our country.”
Conspiracy people will suggest all these amazing shots are just AI, it excuses stupidity.
Yep, surely just computer visuals said no one with a brain
Good news, Gold is in a secular bull. Armstrong likes to keep people guessing what he thinks but thinks people should own gold if you want to survive in the future.
Modi’s BJP Party Accuses U.S. Deep State and Soros of Working To Destabilize India
Modi’s BJP Party Accuses U.S. Deep State and Soros of Working To Destabilize India
Soros and Co are on borrowed time,,,they have Trump, Putin and now Modi after them…..
They made a deal with thousands of Federal employees to work at home for the next 5 years ahead of Trump taking office because he would expect them to show up for work. This has put a strain on citizens and billing tax payers pay for buildings not being used nor proof of work.
Some hope Trump could find away to fire them. We don’t need all these extensions to be public workers anyways. They should change their status to private sector employees or independent contractors who get paid for hours of work not a salary or pensions but SS like everyone else.
But the judge is pushing the jury on the negligent manslaughter. There was nothing reckless or negligent Penny did in protecting those woman from a maniac with reckless regard for the life’s of another nor was his actions racist as one he wasn’t the perpetrator or instigators and the perpetrator but a bystander and two the woman who spoke in Penny’s defence were women of color he protected from the violent maniac and three no evidence he was strangled to death when he was still alive despite his fighting Penny trying to stop him, the guy did not give up saying he had enough and still alive when others took over.
If anyone is negligent it was the family for not getting him help and was even exploiting him trying to take money off him who obviously needed it putting on street shows and again wanting to take money off Penny by blame shifting. Wow dysfunctional father and family the of the year award.
The DA also to blame and now blame shifting was also negligent knowingly leaving this man and many more like him either criminal or criminally insane who were a danger to others on the streets to prey on the citizens that was not mentally fit to take care of himself to be left out on the streets alone. Exploited by his family who did not care to take care of him and was a present danger to others and himself. Then Bragg has the audacity to make a race case out of it. It’s obvious who the racist is and the blame. Was he too busy will the illegals too while leaving the citizens in danger with derelict of duty?
IMO someday physical silver, not digital silver, will save your life. Better buy/stack it while you can.
Okay 👍
If I set up a throw away email, then posters can email that address and their emails are never seen on this site..I can then set up a mail list on my email etc….
So if posters see this let me know if yr happy to do that.
Yeah that’s a good idea. Let us know where to find the email and if you want our handles or message. Just don’t give it to your government lol.