OASIS FORUM Post by the Golden Rule. GoldTent Oasis is not responsible for content or accuracy of posts. DYODD.

Morning maddog

Posted by Buygold @ 6:44 on February 4, 2025  

6th week? Wow, went kinda quick. 😳

Does that mean we have to correct now for 6? 🤔

Been a decent run. Hopefully it continues for awhile.
Looks like things are a little more calm today after all the weeping and gnashing of teeth yesterday. As always, watch what Trump does, not what he says.

I find it very interesting that our RINO’s McConnell and Graham have had a change of heart about Tulsi and RFK Jr. over the weekend and have now decided to vote yes. I wonder if they got put on notice that Elon found their fingerprints all over USAID, and lo and behold money found its way into their private bank accounts? Susan Collin’s too.

Tulsi had a 42% chance of being confirmed on polymarket just Friday and now magically she’s 92%. Go figure.

I literally can’t wait for the arrogant members of Congress to be exposed for the thieves and scoundrels they are.

Every long time member our Congress goes in broke and comes out with millions. Funny how that works.

This is the 6 th week we are up in AU and the Shares…..I know that means nothing to the likes Nvidia….but our sector… well …

Posted by Maddog @ 6:20 on February 4, 2025  


Posted by goldielocks @ 0:40 on February 4, 2025  

Yes, this statement is accurate; before takeoff, and hopefully , effectively “calibrating” it to that specific location to ensure accurate altitude readings throughout the flight. Right. That is suspected not to appear to happen. 

Since it’s hard to see apparently on Black Hawks perhaps they should make it so it’s easier to see be one of the changes they  make.

The other found her recent flying was barely noticeable. The pilot said the only thing with her experience would be get up and back down safely. He knows because he was there once He was wrong about what seat she would of been, she wound of been on the right and is significant too late now.

That airport was too busy and because it’s in a crowded high  populated fly the water ways to cut down on noise making it even more constructed.

Also a Huey flyer said the back lifts up pointing it down making field of view at 12 o’clock more obstructed  but the black hawks are different and can fly more level when picking up speed. That they shouldn’t of been picking up speed but slowing and they can hover but cant  stop and over on a dime.

Also who ever let the other ATC officer go and leave one with all that traffic which going to affect the ability to monitor and concentrate  effectively should of been fired. That major negligence to do that to one person and safety of all the pilots

Gold Train

Posted by Maya @ 23:15 on February 3, 2025  

A Rare ‘Yellowbonnet’


goldielocks @ 10:46

Posted by Maya @ 23:12 on February 3, 2025  

Each and every aircraft altimeter is set ‘on the ground’ at the airport before takeoff.  Barometric pressure is read to the pilot, and he calibrates his altimeter for that airport.  Once climbing out to ‘en-route altitude’ the altimeter is again reset to standardized high altitude barometric pressure, so all high altitude planes are reading the same.  When an aircraft approaches an airport, the pilot is required to obtain the wind, weather, and barometric pressure at the airport, and reset his altimeter.  So no matter what, all planes in the area have the same barometric pressure reading and all read the same calibrated altitudes.

adogsbody @ 15:11

Posted by ipso facto @ 16:42 on February 3, 2025  

You can edit your own posts. Use the edit button.


adogsbody @ 15:23 re Trump has done to Canada is set alight the patriotism

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 15:57 on February 3, 2025  

John Lenin and Yoko Ono have succeeded back in 1970 in creating a “world that lives as one” with their song Imagine. John Lenin, I heard him complain about needing a visa, said “Why do we need pieces of paper to go from one country to another? Buts is all been culminating anyway now. I only supported two presidents, JFK and Ross Perot, was the last time I voted, except for Trump too, because he’s smart successful and has balls. All the other presidents we as dumb as a stump, or bribed, to give away the store here.


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:25 on February 3, 2025  

Another thing two teachers told me they were bringing a lot of people in to teach them English. As far as I know and don’t know a lot about it, that may have started in the 1990s. To what, come here, Canada and Australia? Where they learning other languages I don’t know.  Doesn’t have to be Asia you can trade with. Japan needs both lumbar and energy. Lumbar for building and earthquakes. Europe and so forth but Trudeau’s not a business man he’s apparently a virtue signaling meaning they got him where they want him to turn on his country  socialist supplier and puppet.

Mr Copper

Posted by adogsbody @ 15:23 on February 3, 2025  

In the private sector sick days etc are similar to the US. In the public sector sick days depends on the strength of union bargaining and I have seem some really ridiculous contracts given out with days off etc.

One thing that Trump has done to Canada is set alight the patriotism that was so sadly lacking in recent years.

Would love to see mining unleashed in many of the desolate areas of Canada which are many.

The “ring of fire” in Northern Ontario is just about to come on line after the provincial government agreed to build a road from the site. This area has much promise and loads of materials for battery production.

China is busy locking up mines in Africa and South America. The US will need us to ramp up our mining.




Last post

Posted by adogsbody @ 15:11 on February 3, 2025  

Excuse spell check

should have read average incomes in Ontario only higher than one state Mississippi


Posted by goldielocks @ 15:00 on February 3, 2025  

He did mention rare earths need to be protected but I came in behind that conversation. Trudeau is a puppet and socialist and not a capitalist.

I don’t even know why they call people in capitalists city’s socialist. What they are is the socialists supply chain looting your country and giving it to them. Now Mexico and Asia has your jobs and many of ours too, especially Asia. It’s time to get them back.

Many jobs were driven out because of the politicians and lobbyist.  They need low taxes balanced by fair wages without need of unions if that’s possible and protection from unreasonable side factors that have to do with regulations or  globalist like using climate change to sabotage business that drive them away. Remember when they tried to say it was because it was more affordable to outsource and buy China’s cheap copies and why they did it. That was total BS. Companies need and  want to make money not lose it.

China was studying prices and regulation they don’t have for years slowly building a industrial city. I remember talking to someone on a flight decades ago who just got back from China.  She said it was a bit concerning and scary what she saw. According to her there was a whole manufacturing city there where trucks were going in and out day and night and you had to have a pass to get in.

adogsbody @ 14:30 e living standards

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:54 on February 3, 2025  

I heard in Germany they have unlimited sick days, and 7 weeks paid vacations. Free medical and free college education. Does Canada have that too?

On This Day In 1913, The Fed Reserve Gave Us The Income Tax, 14th Amendment

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:48 on February 3, 2025  

It was the beginning of a NWO, and the beginning of our loss of independence. Nine eleven was the beginning of the ending of the Fed Res act of 1913. Before 1913 no income tax, maybe a tax on profits and tariffs paid for things here.

Henry Ford started EXPORTING millions of Model Ts and Model As so we got bamboozled into importing.

There’s enough REE’s in Wyoming alone to supply the world

Posted by eeos @ 14:44 on February 3, 2025  


Me Copper

Posted by adogsbody @ 14:30 on February 3, 2025  

Living standards have fallen faster in Canada than America. We have lost a very large portion of manufacturing to Mexico and Asia. Indeed in Ontario the largest province in Canada our average names are below all US states except Mississippi. This is partially our fault with socialist policies.
We have shot ourselves in the foot.
As buygold said we have to diversify and end any reliance on the US.
I do feel though that Trump would not be happy if we do an energy deal with China and start shipping our much needed rare earths and Lithium to Asia.
You do need a lot of what we have and your prez knows it.



Posted by goldielocks @ 14:20 on February 3, 2025  

Just agreed to permanently put 10 thousand Troops on the border. Agreed not to let China send them Fentanyl. Canada’s Trudeau still up in the air. Trump said billions of  our dollars are spend on things we don’t need to buy from them because we have them here like energy, lumbar or american cars made there which he prefers made in the US states. That Europe sells us cars on a one was street but you won’t see American cars in Europe. They won’t take out agriculture but recognized the pesticides involved and has RFK assigned to that. Many of us agree with that and about time. Congress usual suspects don’t want their pharma money stopped. Bernie got over a million from that alone and was that in just one year? Amazing for a guy who was too good to start out at the bottom and do real work and never held a steady job in his life before he got into government Pocahontas said to have gotten 500k

What cars are made in Canada? — A guide for Canadian motorists

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:17 on February 3, 2025  

If you’ve been asking yourself questions like, “what cars are made in Canada?”, you may be surprised to learn that the following models are produced not too far away from home:

  • Dodge Charger
  • Dodge Challenger
  • Dodge Caravan
  • Chrysler 300
  • Chrysler Pacifica
  • Chrysler Grand Caravan
  • Chevrolet Equinox
  • Lincoln Nautilus
  • Ford Edge
  • Ford GT
  • Toyota RAV4
  • Lexus RX
  • Honda Civic Sedan
  • Honda Civic Coupe
  • Honda CR-V


Comment: My brand new 1989 Chevy Van was made in Canada, very annoying when I found out.

adogsbody @ 13:28 re Tariffs re your: “It is a tax on Americans through the back door”

Posted by Mr.Copper @ 14:07 on February 3, 2025  

Thats what it looks like, but the opposite happened, US trade deficits, for the USA, since 1970 was one hell of a huge TAX on Americans. All those trade surpluses for all other nations, for decades has pretty much bankrupted the USA.

Our living standards have been dropping since the 1970 high. High school graduates used to get a job, buy a new car and get married within three years after graduation high school.

All because we were infiltrated by global communists that made us PAY other nations to do our work. Making them wealthier and the USA poorer, re $34 trillion national debt. Globalization is or was global socialism. And it started falling apart with 9/11 the tipping point.

If some unpatriotic anti American wants to buy a new high quality Honda, a new BMW, or a new Volvo, then they and the importing dealers, SHOULD happily pay the tariffs.

Ipso 12:45

Posted by goldielocks @ 13:32 on February 3, 2025  

I was busy between work and helping people manage Covid back then but remember that NIH was funneling money to another agency that sent the money to the Wuhan Lab. It’s unbelievable the layers of tax dependent jobs throught up and the amount of tax money going out apparently faster than it was coming in.

I hope Musk is assigned  heavy duty secret service protection if he can trust it along with his own.  This is the biggest sting operation in history. It must be now.



Posted by adogsbody @ 13:28 on February 3, 2025  

You may be right about some protected sectors of the economy. The problem is your prez signed a Free trade agreement heralding great gains some years ago which is due to be reviewed in 2026. He broke his own “great” agreement without even a conversation.

I would love to see areas like telecommunications and banking open up some. As an example our cell rates are among the highest in the world.

I think Trump sees the global tariffs as a means to reduce the budget deficit. It is a tax on Americans through the back door.

Let’s see where the political chips fall

If Trump wants Canada as a 51st State he could be in Ottawa in 20 minutes without a shot fired….Perish the thought



Posted by Buygold @ 13:17 on February 3, 2025  

Maybe Canada should consider opening up their markets a little and throw Trump a bone. They currently tariff our dairy products over 250%, similar with pork products. Obviously they do that to protect their farmers. How about they drop them to 25%? Maybe better prices for Canadian consumers.

There’s the rub right? The world freaks out when we want to protect our jobs and make things here but has no problem taxing the crap out of our goods. Literally every western country does that to us.

I worked in the nuclear industry. The hoops we had to jump through to do business there were unbelievably onerous. As a small business with 300 people I came back and told the owner we were wasting our time.


How many US citizens know about this?

Posted by ipso facto @ 12:45 on February 3, 2025  

USAID funneled $53 million to EcoHealth Alliance, which then used U.S. taxpayer funds to support gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan lab—research that likely led to the creation of COVID-19.

The CIA’s deception regarding COVID-19 origins becomes much clearer when considering USAID’s long history of serving as a CIA front organization.



Posted by Buygold @ 12:25 on February 3, 2025  

And that’s exactly what Canada should do, double output, increase production and diversify their customer base. Run the country like a business.
Trump’s war is on the Globalists, Trudeau cares nothing about Canadians as you well know. He and his ilk care about control.

Detroit/Windsor Area

Posted by adogsbody @ 12:17 on February 3, 2025  

This is the auto hub between Canada and the US. Some of the car parts pass through the border upwards of 7 times. The effect of this with just in time inventory will jam up the car production and lay off up to potentially a million jobs in this sector. Not good news here……


Posted by ipso facto @ 12:14 on February 3, 2025  

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Post by the Golden Rule. Oasis not responsible for content/accuracy of posts. DYODD.